The Saga of Magiskeep
Bred by Magic, born by Magic, blessed by Magic and cursed by Magic, Jamus the hero of "The Saga of Magiskeep" follows his destiny in this new fantasy novel series by Jean E. Dvorak
Ruled by his destiny to become the Rivermaster, the Master of all Turan's Magic, Jamus must constantly battle forces he cannot control to maintain his own sense of integrity. The lure of power challenges him at every turning. From his childhood as the foster son of The Master Mage Sagari, to his manhood as Master of Magiskeep, Jamus faces Reflections from the Way of Mirrors, riddles in the elden tapestries, Shadows spawned by the Black Dragon, and petty rulers on his life's journey. Enchanted horses, noble lords, alluring ladies, Seers and Hags, warriors and Riders travel the path of Turan's Way as the adventure unfolds. Meet Jamus in "Kingdom Beyond the Rim," learn of his trials in "Honor's Way," enter a forbidden world in "The Wall Between," face deceptions in "Silvren Shards," fly on the power of the "White Wind," face the Darkness in "Blackwing Rising," and solve the final riddle of "The Fifth Dragon." Each novel brings new adventures, new challenges and one more discovery of the Magic River's secrets.
Books already published are: "Kingdom Beyond the Rim," "Honor's Way," and "The Wall Between."
All books will be available in paperback and Kindle at Amazon. Epub versions are for sale at Smashwords, Nook, IBooks, Kobo, and Lulu. Why not join in the epic adventure?
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